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Disciplines of the Vampiric's

Animalism - Supernatural affinity with and control of animals.
Auspex - Extrasensory perception, awareness and premonitions.
Celerity - Supernatural quickness and reflexes.
Chimerstry - The Ravnos ability to create illusions and hallucinations.
Dementation - The ability to pass madness on to a victim.
Dominate - Mind control practiced through the piercing gaze.
Fortitude - Unearthly toughness, even to the point of resisting fire and sunlight.
Necromancy - The supernatural power to summon and control the dead.
Obfuscate - The ability to remain obscure and unseen, even in crowds.
Obtenebration - Unearthly control over shadows.
Potence - The Discipline of physical vigor and strength.
Presence - The ability to attract, sway and control crowds.
Protean - Shapechanging from growing claws to melding with the earth.
Quietus - The Assamites' arts of assassination.
Serpentis - The reptilian Discipline of the Followers of Set.
Thaumaturge - The study and practice of blood-sorcery.
Vicissitude - The Tzimisce art of flesh-shaping.
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